Wednesday 18 January 2012


Yes, those familiar with the drill of the Maid In Cornwall blog will be bored to tears and realise it is Wednesday and therefore MUD RUN day.

Legs felt good after a social run last night with the club, today's run was looking like it might be a tad different in more ways than one to previous ones.
The weather was set to change, warmer but wetter, yuck! The route we were to take was in Mrs F's words very muddy, so if she was saying it was muddy it was going to be extremely, up to the ankle deep muddy. The met office was correct and so too was Mrs F's warning of more mud. It was the muddiest run I have ever encountered.
We were slip sliding around at various intervals, there was the most enormous, long climb up just after the border into Devon and to top it all no photos for me to show you as the mizzle was dense and not so picturesque!!
The company again was brilliant, all levels of runners out in the countryside together having a real laugh. You can't tell me that I am not regressing as I think even my young sons would question some of what I was up to today.

Feel young, live young.

Now to clean the trainers............


  1. Wow, there's some fantastically muddy trainers! Nothing like a great mud run :)

  2. I have to try a mud run, sounds like great fun!

  3. Thank for the comments ladies!! If you would have told me a year ago that I would be doing a weekly mud run, up to my ankles in the brown stuff, I would have told you that you were confusing me with others!!! Now I can't keep away. It is not necessarily a part of my marathon training but as I see it, it can only help to make me stronger and is a fab workout for the core ab muscles, just from the laughs alone!!!
    I wholeheartedly recommend them :)))
