This weekend sees pretty much the whole family being involved in sport in one way or another. Firstly, my niece, Amber, is taking part in the County Championships for swimming in Penzance and Bodmin, secondly I am running the Bideford Half marathon, thirdly Mr T is out on a 3.5 hour bike ride this morning and an 1.5 hour bike ride tomorrow in training for the Cornwall Tor on 10th April, he is doing the 103 mile route!! Thank goodness the sun is due to stay with us this weekend.
Amber has steadily progressed through her swimming lessons, then the local Sharks swimming club to be invited to attend these County Championships. I gave her a call last night to wish her luck and she said she was both excited and nervous – I know how she feels!! She has participated in many swim galas locally, but this is something else! Although I have to say that I think my sister has the worst job of all, sitting pool side for the whole weekend, with nerves as heightened as Amber’s, willing her daughter on from a distance. It very much means a whole family event for my sis as she also has the demands of 3 year old twins, Sam and Indie, to think about. This is where my mother and Mike step in. They will take charge of Sam and Indie which gives Tania the chance to be there for Amber, high energy foods at the ready!
So good luck to all the family this weekend and I hope to be able to report some great results from all later in the week.
Go Amber! Go James! Go Lara! Cake all round tomorrow night...! Good luck, know you'll all be bloomin' brilliant. Xx