The lack of blog posting is very much due to it having been the most gorgeous weather here lately and we have been soaking it up whenever the time allows. It is not only my blog that has been abandoned lately it is also the ironing, the cleaning and to some extent the cooking. Quick suppers have been very much the supper of choice here at present, thank goodness for batch cooking earlier in the month when the grey days were still amongst us!!!
When the weather is such as it is here at the moment, clear skies, no coats needed, we are very lucky to live where we do. We are 10 minutes from the beach and we have the most fantastic, safe, play park in the village, as well as having friend’s within the village who are down the road or a short walking / scooter distance away from us.
These last few weeks have seen the children playing with a hose and a plastic sheet, making a water slide which then turned into a mass of mud, by which point we had 4 naked children having the time of their lives, seeing JT and Jamie playing on the street earning money from passer’s by outside Jamie’s house telling jokes from a joke set that Auntie Tania bought JT for Xmas. They earnt themselves £1 each and were as proud as punch. It is the weather for spontaneousness, friend’s with their children coming over for a play which then turns into lunch and having to stop purely because the after school pick up moves ever closer, I love it when that happens. Afternoons spent playing on the beach after a morning of getting presents for birthday’s, not fussing about getting back too early, just soaking up that sunshine and enjoying where we live.
This also benefits my running schedule as the morning’s are getting much lighter and I feel alive as I get my training plan achieved before the school run, admittedly getting up earlier than I would like to but once out, the benefits outweigh the lie in. Running towards a rising sun on the home straight in a speedwork session is a vision of joy as it means a sunny day awaits us all and a big bowl of porridge awaits me ( courtesy of Mr T, chief porridge maker).
Friday night saw a Quiz night at The Tree Inn, for the Bude Sharks Swimming Club which was a great night. We had a great team of lovely ladies gathered, all in fine form ( at the beginning of the evening, at least) who had prepared eagerly that day by digesting an encyclopedia or two!! Team name: Maids in Cornwall!!! Position on board at end of the evening: SECOND!!! Couldn’t quite believe it as the questions were pretty tough but I am thankful to Hayley, Helen, Katie, Avril, Hilary and Jane for answering most of the questions, I believe I did manage one or two right answers and managed to agree with other’s right answers as well!!! All in all a great evening, in great company raising £350 for a local swim club. Proper job as them maids in Cornwall would say!
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