A day doesn’t seem complete for me without a check into The Day to Davis blog www.thedaytodavis.co.uk . Writing is top quality and I never stop admiring the way she can put words together on a page.
What has been updated recently on The Day to Davis is Katie’s fundraising page. Mrs D is running the London Marathon on 17th April and is running for the NSPCC. If you feel so inclined, visit her blog and help donate something to a very worthwhile charity. Follow her training through these last gruelling weeks, those 26.2 miles are going to be run with great force and determination by a woman who gives everything to her goals. I know how hard she is working right now to get the training in whilst being a fantastic mother to her 2 lovely children, being a fantastical friend, an inspirational group leader at Bude Women’s Running Network and generally a blinking good person. So if that hasn’t encouraged you to donate then I can’t do much more.
Aw shucks - thanks Lara! ♥