Saturday, 5 March 2011


I am very happy to report that my sewing machine was dusted down and put to use ( finally) last night. I had purchased the materials, cut out the templates and had the bias binding at hand for near on a month now, but had found other distractions recently and my sewing space ( a small corner in the boys playroom) had been duly neglected. This has been rectified – hooray!!!
I wanted to make the boys some bunting for their room as we are yet to decorate and it needs some freshness injected in there temporarily, hence the idea of bunting.  I do think that this week of gorgeous sunshine has prompted my return to the machine, as all around buds, bulbs and colour are popping out of the ground and the blue and yellow in the sky just make you want to inject some colour into your life.
The boys and I have managed to spend 3 out of the 5 days of after school time in the park. A safe haven of playground equipment and a playing field which enable a good dose of Vitamin D to be absorbed by children and adults, feeling the first benefits of an ever closer spring in Cornwall. On Tuesday after taking TJ to story time at our lovely library, we made the short walk down the canal, to the beach. The tide was out, the beach had a handful of walkers on it, the children got to spend a lovely half an hour playing with the sand, before we made our way to pick up the “big ones”!! Days like these seem so easy and it is when I am able to reflect on how lucky we are to have this on our doorstep.
Winter is hard on most, when spring seems too far away. I seem to suffer slightly with a touch of SAD, running has definitely helped with this, nevertheless it is good to see the great ball of yellowy loveliness in the sky and new life bursting from the ground.
This photo of the bunting was taken last night, will endeavour to photograph it in better light once the sun comes out again!
That's abit better!

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