Monday, 7 February 2011


Well our household is going perfectly potty this week. Firstly, potty training with TJ seems to have regressed, he was doing brilliantly and now this week he seems to be on a mission to ensure the washing machine does not have time to draw breathe, I do know washing machines aren’t human, but you know where I’m coming from.
Alongside which JT has an amazing appetite for all things Harry Potter. We have the first 4 books and he is reading The Philosopher’s Stone with Mr T in the evenings, it is wonderful to see him so engaged with it and enthusiasm for books is something I wish I had had at a young age. I think at present children are exposed to reading with such passion, through projects like World Book Day and Summer Reading Challenges, that they can’t fail to be drawn to books.
Not only that but in one of my charity shop rummages last weekend I happened upon Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets DVD which I thrust off the shelf as quickly as I could and made a 6 year old boy squeal with delight!! So far I believe he has watched it three times already. He also fashioned a particularly good resemblance to Harry from Mr T’s glasses, a piece of navy jersey material and a light sabre style wand bought when the circus was in town in the summer! Well, see for yourselves:

As for Mr T and myself, as I write he is downstairs on his turbo trainer, cycling his way across the Pyrenees ( in his dreams) and I will be getting up at 6.30am to do an hours speedwork session and then going out with WRN in the evening for a group run with Katie. Perfectly potty all round really! Oh and to top it all off, I came across a Wikipedia List Of all Harry Potter’s Spells in alphabetical order, unbelievably potty.

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