Friday, 20 May 2011


I know not a fantastic title for a new post on my blog but stick with me!

I don’t know whether it is just me, but I have been in the doldrums lately and have been waiting to come out of them for over a week. I have been feeling tired, without a particularly good reason for it, the children are sleeping well and I am not stressed about anything. So why so grumpy?
The only thing I can put it down to is my inability to recover from a hangover in anything less than 2 days and my increasing inability to run with legs that feel like lead. I even took myself to bed in the afternoon recently, which, quite frankly, appalls me even now ( the shame).
Praise be to the higher beings that are sports massage therapists, without you I would be circling within the doldrums for another week for certain!! The niggles in my knees, calves and ankles were becoming a concern to me as I have some great races coming up within the next month and I don’t have an injury on my training plan in any of those 4 weeks. I have learnt, through experience with injuries previously, to listen to what your body is telling you and take appropriate action earlier rather than later. I visited Sarah Miller, a recent graduate of the London School of Massage, who inevitably made me wince several times during my hour session, who explained how some simple exercises could be done at home after my run to help combat the tightness I was experiencing and informed me that I needed to concentrate on my glut control. Well, I never knew my gluts were out of control, must have been due to that impromptu session in Bar 35 last weekend!!!
Further to my massage I have been taking a cold, hard look at my eating habits recently and to be perfectly honest, they too could do with a stock take. M&S teacakes are oh so nice but are not nutritionally beneficial in any way to my training. Neither are the Aero bars I buy ( for JT) to then pick at once he has gone to bed and the packet of chocolate digestives which I bought the other day was almost asking for trouble. Lesson for today, the colour brown features a lot within my diet at the moment ( read chocolate), colours such as red’s, yellow’s and green’s should be taking precedence over the colours of cakes and chocolate.
Today was the day of change, I needed to inject some fresh, vitamin packed colours into my food diary, I am actively encouraging the boys to enjoy fresh fruit and vegetables, which as far as 7 and 3 year old boys go, they do very well. JT eats lettuce and spinach like they are going out of fashion, TJ recently decided to “like” strawberries after a life time of “hating” them. Their mother needed to look to them for her lead.

I think it will also help when our very own fruit and veg store “opens for business” soon, our veggie patch is looking lively now and we have seen the first fruits of Mr T’s labours – strawberries!!! As the controversial lady herself said – you are what you eat. I no longer wish to be green and bubbly on the inside and brown on the outside but radiant, delicious and healthy!!! Think Mr T would approve of that too!
Mr T's pride & joy

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