Monday 5 December 2011


You ever get that feeling when you are reading a fantastically amazing book, when you want to wiggle your nose ( Bewitched style) and jump into the book? I thought so. I found I wanted to do this whilst reading Stardust by Neil Gaiman recently. It was a very magical, enchanting read.
Imagine my excitement when scouting the charity shops in Cardiff ( more on that trip to come) when I happened upon the DVD of Stardust - or was it who found it for me in there? Needless to say I am the proud owner of a copy of the dvd with Michelle Pfeiffer, Robert De Niro and Sienna Miller in it to name but a few. I had promised the boys I would sit down with them last night and watch it. I had been raving about the book so much JT was sooo very excited at seeing the movie.

We had a wonderful roast meal whilst the heavens opened outside, the wind was picking up and the temperature outside was starting to take a more seasonal turn. PJ's were the order of the evening as we set up the movie, all snuggled on the sofa.
All too often the film version of great books are somewhat disappointing but Stardust was in no way in that category. It was a most beautiful tale told with an amazing cast, true cross-generational film magic. JT was transfixed for the 2hr 5 min and I was enjoying having "jumped" into the book all over again.
JT was being taken to school this morning by who by all accounts might as well have watched the movie now as well. According to Mrs A, JT re-told the story of Stardust to her on the journey to school, didn't stop talking about it. Do you get the impression he liked it as much as his mum???!!! As soon as it had finished he wanted to see it again!

Winter evenings are made for moments like these. It's starting to feel a lot more like Xmas in the Trewin household now, thanks to a little sprinkling of stardust x

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