Thursday 8 December 2011


Today I re-established my relationship with my bike via cupid - aka the turbo trainer. We had been seeing each other on a fairly regular basis until around a month ago when I got my head turned, once again, by the running.
I will always be a runner first & foremost. It's where I am at home, it's what's lifts me, empowers me and keeps me sane emotionally, physically and mentally balanced.

The weather was a tad windy here today so a ride outside would have meant utter confidence in my riding and those on the road with me - hence the decision to go inside. I do like training on the TT as I can plug myself into my music and get an hour's session done with no boredom factor involved. As I rarely take my music on a run with me these days, it is a chance for me to appreciate my amazing varied musical tastes.

As I was cooling down on the bike, spinning my legs this came on my iPod. Just a perfect song.

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