Monday, 4 April 2011


Mother’s Day was just perfect yesterday. Got woken by 2 boys producing hand made cards which adorn the window sill as I speak, a husband who was organising a family trip for us all along with a picnic and 4 hours where I could do what I chose. I decided to do my long run of the week ( 8 miles) to incorporate us being able to see my mum. I ran into Bude where my mum was spectating at the local pool whilst my sister and her family were enjoying their weekly session of fun and frolics in the water. Was able to give my mum a kiss and a present on mother’s day and for that I am lucky.
It is sometimes difficult to know who to please on Mother’s Day as both Mr T and I have our mother’s nearby and since becoming a mother myself, I also get put into the equation. Seemed to work really well this year though with all mother’s being catered for and feeling special. This year we wanted to ensure we were with Mr T’s mum as we lost Granny B two weeks ago to Alzheimer’s and felt the need to be with her.
Mr T and his brother Mark decided on a woodland walk near Hartland. We hunted for bear’s and hobgoblins with the boys minds enchanted by all that is fantasy. ‘Twas wonderful as they say in Cornwall!  Got back to the camper, where the men had brought all that is needed for a lavish picnic in the Devon countryside, rugs, chairs and food a plenty! Homemade Chicken and Ham pie courtesy of Mel, olives, stuffed peppers, brie, bread, ham, potato salad, etc with profiteroles produced for dessert as well as sticky pink buns for the children – all in all a wonderful family day.  We all live within 5 miles of each other, with busy lives and children’s social activities to contend with, we do not always get to see each other as regularly as we would like. When we do it always makes for a great day.

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