Saturday, 12 November 2011


I am shaken and have been stirred into action today. I have finally made my mind up I HAVE TO DO A MARATHON BEFORE I'M 40!!! It's in capitals as I have had it banging around in my head for too long now. It is now down on paper so no messing with my head anymore!!!

The date 6 May 2012, the venue North Dorset. A small marathon (400 entrants max) which is 1 lap, scenic and as flat as can be expected. Has amazing reviews on RW, so here's to some long runs in the coming months.

Here I will document the highs and lows I encounter and hope to enjoy what for me is now a personal mission. Join me on the ride? Great, see you soon.


  1. Oooh, this is on my list of must-run's too - looks like such a fantastic race. So exciting, anything I can do just shout. Go Girl!!! xxxx

  2. Well done Mrs T. An amazing achievement just putting yourself up for it xxx

  3. Thanks ladies. Something just went *boom* in my head yesterday and I knew I wanted to do it. Now I've entered the rest is easy - right??!!! ;))
